Editing the Stakes and Value Proposition Sections

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to edit the stakes and value proposition sections on your homepage. These sections are crucial for presenting the problem you're solving and highlighting the benefits of your offering.

The Stakes Section

Accessing the Stakes Section

  • Navigate to the homepage view under Pages.
  • Click on the Stakes section in the accordion menu.
  • Toggle the option to show or hide the stakes section as needed.

Editing the Stakes Content

  • Choose between the centered text layout or the headline on the left with body text on the right.
  • Clearly state the problem you're addressing in the headline.
  • Ensure consistency with your call to action button throughout the homepage.

Customizing the Stakes Layout

  • Experiment with different layouts to find what works best for your content.
  • Preview and update the changes to see how they affect the overall presentation.

Value Proposition Section

  • Located just below the stakes section, the value proposition highlights the key benefits of your offering.
  • Similar to the stakes section, you can show or hide this section and choose from different layout options.

Editing Value Proposition Content

  • Update the headline and button label to align with your messaging.
  • Customize each value proposition statement with an icon, title, and descriptive content.
  • Ensure consistency in design and messaging across all value propositions.

Choosing Layout Options

  • Explore different layout options to find the one that complements your content and design.
  • Preview the changes and make adjustments as necessary to enhance visual appeal and clarity.


Congratulations on customizing the stakes and value proposition sections of your homepage! These sections play a crucial role in capturing visitors' attention and communicating the value of your offering.

By following these steps and experimenting with different layouts and content options, you'll create a compelling homepage that effectively engages your audience and drives action.

Next, we'll cover Section 4: The Guide, in the upcoming tutorial.