Editing the Guide Section


In this tutorial, we'll cover how to edit section four of the homepage, the guide section. This section serves as an introduction to yourself as the guide in the story, positioning you to help your audience achieve their goals.

Accessing the Guide Section

  • Scroll down to the homepage view and locate the guide section, typically found under the value proposition section.
  • Expand the accordion menu to access the guide section for editing.

Customizing the Guide Content

  • Choose the layout style that best suits your content and design preferences.
  • Update the headline and subheadline to clearly convey your message.
  • Utilize the open text field to introduce yourself and your story, providing context for your role as the guide.
  • Use formatting options like bold, italics, and bullet points to enhance readability and highlight key points.

Adding Bullet Points

  • Utilize the bullet list section to showcase key aspects of your expertise or services.
  • Add or remove bullet points as needed to tailor the content to your audience's interests and needs.
  • Reorder bullet points by dragging and dropping to ensure optimal flow and organization.

Customizing the Call to Action Button

  • Choose a clear and compelling Link Texty, such as "Free Consultation," to encourage action from your audience.
  • Ensure consistency with button labels and links across the homepage for a cohesive user experience.


Congratulations on customizing the guide section of your homepage! By following these steps, you've effectively introduced yourself as the guide in your audience's journey, positioning yourself to provide valuable assistance and support.

Remember to maintain consistency in design and messaging across all sections of your homepage for a cohesive and engaging user experience.

Next, we'll cover Section 5: Pricing Choices.