Section 7: Explanatory Paragraph


Section 7 of your DIY website homepage is the explanatory paragraph, where you can provide additional details about your product or service. This section allows you to customize the layout, headline, content, and image to effectively convey your message to visitors.

Accessing the Explanatory Paragraph Section:

  • Open the homepage editor of your DIY website.
  • Scroll down to section 7, labeled as "Explanatory Paragraph," and expand the accordion menu to access customization options.

Layout Options:

  • Choose from multiple layout options:
    • Default layout: Image on the right, headline and content on the left.
    • Full-screen layout: Content on the right, image full-screen on the left.
    • Condensed layout: Image on the right, text on the left with a more condensed format.


  • Update the headline to reflect the purpose of the section.
  • Customize the content to provide detailed information about your product or service.
  • Replace the default image with one that aligns with your message and brand.
  • Consider adding a video to provide a more in-depth explanation of your offerings. Insert the URL for a YouTube or Vimeo video.

Button Integration:

  • Similar to other sections, add a button at the bottom to encourage user interaction. Keep the button Link Text consistent with other sections of your homepage.

Best Practices:

  • Choose a layout that complements your content and enhances readability.
  • Ensure the image or video selected is relevant and engaging.
  • Keep the content concise and focused on key points to maintain visitor interest.
  • Test different layouts and content to see what resonates best with your audience.


Congratulations on customizing section 7, the explanatory paragraph, of your DIY website! This section provides an opportunity to engage visitors with detailed information about your product or service.

By leveraging the customization options available, you can create a compelling narrative that effectively communicates your value proposition. Next, let's explore Section 8: Lead Generator.